Rabu, 18 September 2013

Facilities at the University Muhamadiyah Malang

            One of the learning infrastucture that is laboratiry. University Muhamadiyah Malang has provided facilities each faculty. As for the faculty of health sciences and medical faculty, University muhamadiyah Malang has provided laboratories to support the learning process for student faculty of health sciences and student of medical faculty. student faculty of health sciences and student of medical faculty through the learning process at the University campus Muhamadiyah Malang II
. University campus Muhamadiyah Malang II located at Bendungan Sutami street number 188 A. Laboratory provided by the University Muhamadiyah Malang , such as: 

1)     Nursing laboratory D-3 and S1.

2)     Pharmacy laboratory. 
3)     Laboratory medical.

            In addition to laboratory facilities, University Muhamadiyah Malang also provide a hotspot for student. Students can use the facility to support the learning procces, like search for material assigment given by lecturer. On campus II there are two areas hotspot, one for the medical faculty and last one for the faculty of health sciences.

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